OTTAWA -- Liberals will gather in Vancouver April 27-May 3 to choose a new leader to succeed Stephane Dion.

Insiders say the Liberal national executive has decided to simply turn a previously scheduled policy convention into a leadership convention.

The decision is to be officially announced shortly.

The executive had been under considerable pressure from some factions in the party to move the convention to a location in Central Canada, something that rival camps said would have benefited perceived front-runner Michael Ignatieff.

Toronto MP Bob Rae and New Brunswick MP Dominic LeBlanc have already declared their intention to seek the party's top job.

Ignatieff is also considered certain to run.

Others who are thinking about tossing their hats in the ring include former cabinet minister Martin Cauchon, Toronto MPs Gerard Kennedy and Martha Hall Findlay, Montreal MP Denis Coderre, Ottawa MP David McGuinty and Brampton MP Ruby Dhalla.