Question: What are some of the best foods to grab when you're feeling sluggish mid-afternoon?

The trick is choosing a snack that will boost your blood sugar and keep it relatively stable until dinner time. The best snacks contain carbohydrates for an immediate source of energy and protein, which helps maintain your blood sugar. Both the apple and the yogurt (two low glycemic foods) slowly release carbohydrates, but the yogurt is also a good source of protein and calcium, a nutrient that many adults don't get enough of.

What shouldn't you eat? A muffin. Although they are usually front and centre when buying your cup of coffee,  most muffins -- even low fat versions -- are made with white flour and plenty of sugar, which can cause your blood sugar to spike and then fall, leaving you feeling hungry again. Plus, most muffins are in the range of 350 to 450 calories, more calories than you need for a mid-day snack.

Question: What if you're starving an hour before dinner, but you don't want to ruin your appetite?

Since dinner is only an hour away, all you need here is a small snack -- 100 calories or less -- that takes the edge off of your craving. The almonds provide protein and monounsaturated fat and they won't make you feel too full. Another option is to drink a glass of low sodium V8 or tomato juice, with a squeeze of fresh lemon. It's low in calories, high in vitamins A and C, and does a good job of taming your appetite right before dinner.

What should you avoid? Pretzels. Yes they are low in fat but they are also a high glycemic carbohydrate, which means they are quickly digested and can actually increase your hunger before dinner.

Question: Can certain foods actually help you fit into that tight-fitting cocktail dress?

To aid digestion and reduce bloating, have a serving of pineapple with your meal. Pineapple contains a digestive enzyme called bromelain, which is believed to help with the digestion of protein. In a supplement form, bromelain is used to fight bloating, gas and other digestive symptoms and for irritable bowel syndrome.

What should you avoid? Diet soft drinks. They may be calorie-free but the carbonated water can cause bloating. You're better off drinking plain, non-carbonated water to quench your thirst, which is also calorie-free!

Question: What's the best food to grab if you have a sweet craving?

You're better off satisfying a sweet craving with the real thing, rather than something that doesn't quite do the trick. If you don't, you'll end up still craving and searching for something sweet. Dark chocolate made with 70 per cent cocoa solids is also a good source of antioxidants, believed to help reduce blood pressure. But, read the nutrition label and limit yourself to 100 calories worth.

What not to eat: Candy. Candy and licorice both contain pure refined sugar. You'll get a quick spike in blood sugar, but it will be followed by premature low blood glucose levels, which can trigger hunger and worsen sweet cravings. And there is no nutritional value to candy.

Question: What's the best food to boost your energy right before a workout?

You need carbohydrates to fuel muscles during your workout and you'll also need about 6 grams of protein before you start. Research has shown that adding six grams of protein to a carbohydrate-rich snack improves muscle recovery after a workout. The egg supplies six grams of protein and the banana supplies high glycemic, or quickly digested, carbohydrates. Before a workout, you want a high glycemic food, so the carbohydrate is ready to be burned by your muscles while you exercise.

What not to eat before a workout: A protein bar. These bars might seem like the perfect workout food, but they supply very little carbohydrate and far more protein -- a meal's worth -- than anyone needs right before exercising. And many are high in saturated fat thanks to the chocolate coating.

Question: And if you need to grab a meal on the go, but you want to avoid the drive-thrus, what's the best choice?

There's no question a sandwich is the healthiest meal to grab on the go. It has carbohydrates, about 3 oz. worth of lean protein, and you can order extra vegetables to boot. When ordering a sandwich at a deli or a sub shop, you can control the ingredients added and the spreads used. If you're watching calories, skip the big breads, such as bagels and 12-inch submarine rolls. Wraps are a better choice.