What is an estate sale?

An estate sale is a type of sale to dispose of household of items owned by a person who is recently deceased. Usually an estate sale happens just before a house goes up for sale; its a great way for the family to clear and clean out possessions.

How does an estate sale work?

Estate sales are usually facilitated by an auction company. The sale is held within the house; antique, furniture/clothing dealers are invited as well as the public to come on a certain day(s) to purchase items. The auction company promotes/markets the sale and collects a percentage of the sales, plus any expenses. Sales usually last 2 days and on the second day the prices usually get lowered in order to encourage sales.

What should we look at buying at an estate sale?

Personal collectables are best; vintage fur or leather coats, purses, costume jewelry, china, silver, crystal, quilts, persian rugs, artwork, furniture or collections. Most vintage/antique items are usually priced at about 60% of what you might pay at an antique shop.

What is a content sale?

A content sale is similar to an estate sale although it usually pertains to someone moving away/out of their house; transfers with a job, divorces or downsizing are common reasons. Homeowners can run the sale themselves or hire a auction company which usually works on a percentage.

How does a content sale work?

Same as an estate sale. Remember that you are opening up your home to the public, so you generally should be moving away- security is the biggest issue with any in-home sale.

What should we buy at a content sale?

As people can take/store small personal items, newer, good condition items are good to look for. Televisions, computers, electronics, outdoor furniture, light fixtures, rugs... Less collectables, more newish items that people cannot move with them. Most items for sale are priced at 60-80% off the new price.

What is a yard sale? An outdoor sale of used personal or household items held on the front yard or inside a garage or tent. Sometimes called a lawn, tag or junk sale

How does a yard sale work?

Used items are displayed on folding tables and on blankets and offered to the public. These sales are promoted and operated by homeowners and sometimes many homeowners will join together to hold a 'block sale' which can attract a lot more people that just one yard sale.

What should we look at buying at a yard sale?

Shopping at a yard sale can be hap-hazzard; I find many 'makeover items' at yard sales. Vintage draperies to be made into something else, furniture that needs a coat of paint or refinishing. Most items for sale are very affordable at about 80-90% off the new price. Most things in a yard sale are things that other people really just do not want; "one man's junk is another man's treasure."

Tune in on June 17th to see Karl's yard sale finds and the makeover he did on them!

For great decorating tips you can now follow Karl on Twitter at: karllohnes

Got a comment or decorating dilemma to ask Karl? Email us: homedecor@ctv.ca