NEW YORK - Actress Jane Lynch says her "Glee" character Sue Sylvester throws "a hissy fit the likes of which no one has seen before" when the show returns.

The hit is on hiatus until a special post-Super Bowl episode on Feb. 6 in the U.S. that features guest shots from Gwyneth Paltrow and Katie Couric, and the students offering their version of Michael Jackson's "Thriller," she said.

"It's got so much firepower," the Emmy-winning actress said. "There is so much going on in the show that is crazy and funny and wild. I have a hissy fit the likes of which no one has seen before, where I try to destroy the locker room and principal's office. I try to shoot one of my cheerleaders from a cannon."

Lynch talked about her show Thursday while promoting another project: an educational campaign on teenage mobile phone misuse that she is doing for LG Mobile Phones. She does a series of short videos about texting while driving, sexting, cyberbullying and other misuses of mobile phones by teenagers. The vignettes are available on YouTube and the company's website.

The videos are aimed at parents to get them talking with their children about these problems, and show parents how to set ground rules. Younger viewers familiar with Lynch's stern, slightly off-centre depiction of Sylvester would likely enjoy them, too.

Before being called by IG, Lynch acknowledged being guilty of one of the habits she's being paid to discourage: She used to text while driving around California.

"I knew I should not be doing it," she said. "It was really just the luck of the Irish that kept me from hurting myself or somebody else."

Now she follows LG's advice to put the phone in the car's glove compartment. If she wants to talk or text, she'll pull over to the side of the road.

Out of the car, Lynch did receive a text message this week from one 81-year-old fan.

"Hi there!" her mom wrote. "I'm texting!