JERUSALEM - Israeli naval commandos on Tuesday took over a French ship attempting to break Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip, reporting no resistance during the takeover in international waters.

The navy boarded the ship after the 16 pro-Palestinian activists on board ignored calls to change course.

The military has said it will stop any attempt to break the sea blockade of Gaza, which Israel imposed four years ago in what it says is a measure to prevent arms smuggling to Gaza's ruling Hamas militant group. It said the vessel, the Dignity al-Karama, would be taken to a southern Israeli port, Ashdod.

Last year, Israeli naval commandos clashed with knife and club-wielding activists on a Turkish ship trying to reach Gaza, killing nine Turkish activists. Both sides have said they acted in self defence.

The deadly clash drew harsh international criticism, forcing Israel to ease its land blockade of Gaza. But the naval embargo has remained intact.

The navy has been preparing for months for the arrival of a new flotilla, saying it had adopted new tactics in hopes of avoiding bloodshed.

The France-based Platform Palestine group, one of the organizers of the protest boat, said the Israeli military takeover "clearly shows the military logic of Israeli politics, which only speaks the language of force." It said it had no contact with anyone on the boat.

In a text message sent to reporters, the Hamas government in Gaza condemned the seizing of the boat.

The Dignity al-Karama was the only ship remaining from a larger protest flotilla that had hoped to sail weeks ago but was blocked by Greek authorities.

Sixteen activists and journalists are aboard the French-based ship. They have said they had no aid on board and that their mission was meant to make a "political statement" against the Israeli blockade.

A France-based spokesman for a group called "A French Boat for Gaza," Maxime Guimberteau, said he was in contact with activists aboard the ship earlier Tuesday and they told him that four Israeli navy ships had surrounded the ship.

He said the vessel was about 65 kilometres off Gaza in international waters in the Mediterranean and that his conversation with the boat was cut off.

Israel imposed the embargo in 2007 after Hamas militants seized control of Gaza. It says the measure is needed to prevent weapons from reaching Hamas, but critics say the blockade has failed to weaken the militant group and instead has hurt the territory's economy, collectively punishing its 1.6 million people.

With the land blockade greatly eased, large amounts of consumer goods now flow into Gaza. But restrictions remain on the entrance of construction materials, which are sorely needed to repair damage caused by an Israeli military offensive two years ago. Israel says items like metal, cement and glass could be diverted for military purposes, and has approved individual construction projects in coordination with the international community.

In its warning, the navy notified the ship that any supplies it might have on board could be transferred legally to Gaza through an Israeli port and then across Israeli-controlled land crossings.