LONDON - "Harry Potter" fans Ally Martin and Mackenzie Fitch got to spring a pop quiz on the star pupils at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The 11-year-olds from Olcott, N.Y., near Buffalo, brainstormed questions for The Associated Press to ask during interviews with Daniel Radcliffe and other stars of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1."

Along with Radcliffe, who stars as teen wizard Harry, the girls relayed questions to Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, who play Harry's pals Hermione and Ron, and Tom Felton, who plays his rival, bad boy Draco.

Ally and Mackenzie plan to see "Deathly Hallows: Part 1" on Friday, when it opens domestically.

"I really want to see it," Ally said. "The commercials, they look so mysterious, and it's so dark. They're, like, running away from something. It looks so cool."

Here's how the stars responded:



Ally and Mackenzie: Do you like the movies being pretty much all about you? Did you like all of the attention?

Radcliffe: Well, yes, I am a massive egomaniac. ... Do I like it all being about me? Well, I can't really say no, because there's seven of me in one scene in this film, so yeah, I suppose it's a nice feeling to know that you're an important person on the set. But to be honest with you, I think any actor that views actors as the most important people on the set are so deluded, because there are literally millions of actors all over the world. There are many more actors in the world than there are Steadicam (camera) operators, so we are, logically speaking, a lot more expendable. So no, I don't say I like it all being about me. It's just the way it was. I was just the one that looked the most like Harry when they were auditioning people.

Ally and Mackenzie: Are you like your character in a lot of ways?

Radcliffe: It was funny, when my mum read the sixth book, she said, "It's weird. It's sort of like Jo ("Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling) does sort of know you a bit now. ... When Harry argues and he gets on the defensive, he becomes really irritating like you do." So I think in that way, when we're on the defensive, we both tend to get more belligerent. ... Other than that, we've both got a lot of curiosity. We both put a lot of value in our friends. I think we've both got quite the sense of humor.

Ally and Mackenzie: Is it hard for you to end the series, because most of your acting career has been as Harry?

Radcliffe: Having watched these amazing actors for 10 years, having learned so much, it's now kind of time. My education is complete, and it's now time for me sort of to be released in the wild and see how I function in the real world.


Ally and Mackenzie: Does it get annoying when the main characters are boys and you are the only girl?

Watson: When I was younger, I did struggle. I wished for a girl on set a lot, actually. There are times when I did feel really left out.

Ally and Mackenzie: Because you bossed Daniel and Rupert around in the movies, did you ever do it accidentally in real life?

Watson: Oh, all the time, all the time! Definitely. They'll tell you that I definitely bossed them around at times. Sometimes, I accidentally found myself directing, giving them direction on a scene that we're doing together. I'd have to catch myself, because I'm like, that really isn't my job. I really shouldn't be telling them that.

Ally and Mackenzie: Since you had a cat in some of the movies, do you actually like cats in real life?

Watson: I love cats. I'm such a cat person. I actually miss my cats so much. I grew up around them. ... Being around cats, it really calms me down.

Ally and Mackenzie: Do you wish you were your character? Do you wish you were magical and could get away from the real world?

Watson: These questions are brilliant. I don't know, actually. Having watched this last movie, the magical world is pretty dark. It seems quite scary. I don't know whether it would be fun. Do I wish I was my character? No. I'm pretty happy being Emma. I'm pretty content as Emma.


Ally and Mackenzie: Do you like the character you play? Is he like you?

Grint: I've always been quite fond of Ron. Always felt a strong kind of connection to him when I was reading the books. ... When you're playing a character like this for so long, you do kind of bring a bit of yourself into him. I think we've merged into the same person over the years. It's quite hard for me to kind of separate us now.

Ally and Mackenzie: Would you change him if you could?

Grint: He's always been quite cool. I suppose maybe if he was a bit braver, occasionally. A few more heroic moments would be quite cool.

Ally and Mackenzie: Do you think the movie Ron or the book Ron is more like you?

Grint: I suppose the movie Ron, really. It was — it is me, really.

Ally and Mackenzie: Is it hard for you to end the series, because most of your acting career has been as Ron?

Grint: Yeah. It's going to take a while to kind of get used to that. I think there'll always be a bit of Ron in me. It's just not having that routine, I think, is going to be the weirdest thing. Just not seeing these people and going in every day is going to take me a while to come to terms with. But I'm ready to move on.


Ally and Mackenzie: Is it hard for you to be nice in the real world when you are so mean in the movies?

Felton: I think it actually makes me slightly nicer. I think I get to vent my day-to-day frustrations and annoyances through this Hitler-like child, and by doing so, it seems to be quite therapeutic. And hopefully, I'm a slightly friendlier soul.

Ally and Mackenzie: Are you a bit like your character in a way (no offense)?

Felton: I'm glad they said no offense, because I get a lot of genuine journalists saying, "How similar are you to your character?" ... God, I hope I'm not anything even remotely close, other than in the way we look. I think we're polar opposites. I like to think of myself as a fairly un-Draco-esque character.

Ally and Mackenzie: You played a major role in Dumbledore's death but didn't actually kill him. How do you feel about that?

Felton: It was never in Draco, really. The task was never going to be performed by him. ... Granted that he set it up and that whole journey led him to where he is now, where he thinks, I don't want to do this anymore. And as fixated as he was on becoming this chosen one of the dark side, it was that one event, actually, I think, seeing Dumbledore going before his eyes. I really enjoyed the shots of afterward, where you see the sort of evil team leaving Hogwarts, with Draco as sort of this lost child, looking at things around him, thinking, I don't want to leave here. This is my home, this is my sanctuary, or at least somewhere I feel safe. And from that day onward, he's banished. So it's a real sad time for Draco. I feel deeply sorry for the poor boy.