For most busy Canadians, it's a struggle to get three healthy meals in a day. The Cadesky clan of Richmond Hill, Ont. was one such family.

Like millions of people today, work demands and hectic school schedules made it easy to slide into a daily routine of unhealthy meals and calorie-laden snacks. But thanks to wellness expert Rose Reisman, the Cadesky's food feud has come to an end.

With just a few easy tweaks, the Cadesky's have escaped their food trap. Today, they're prepping quick, nutritious meals and snacks that are easy to make.

Now you can, too.

An author and entrepreneur behind the Toronto restaurant Glow, Reisman began her career in 1988 by self-publishing a general cookbook. Since then, this wellness consultant and mother of four has lived a busy life like many working mothers.

As we launch this week's series, Rose wants Canada AM's viewers to share their own healthy eating tips this week. Do you have great ideas on brown-bagging your lunch? Know of some tasty, healthy snacks? Email in and let Rose know!

Q & A with Rose Reisman

1. So many people start off the New Year thinking about losing weight. Why is it so important to pay more attention to good nutrition, not merely good numbers on a scale?

We are what we eat. We're only going to stay healthy if we feed our body healthy food. Weight is only one aspect of this. People on diets tend to cut out entire food groups in order to lose weight. The four food groups including grains, lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and low fat dairy are essential to a healthy diet.

2. Why is the Cadesky family and the way that used to eat such a perfect example of all the wrong things that people do with their diets?

This family is like so many others. Both parents are working and their two teenage daughters have busy schedules. It doesn't allow for easy, healthy meal planning. Eating becomes "crisis management." Whatever is quickest and easiest fits the bill. Nutrition is put on the back burner.

3. Many people believe that an eating overhaul is tough to do. But why is that mindset wrong?

Nothing will change permanently unless you "flip the switch." Your mindset has to get out of the diet mentality and into healthy living on a daily basis. It's actually the preferred way in the long run.

4. What are the key eating tips you'd like people to remember after this week's special food series on Canada AM comes to an end?

  • Eat a breakfast consisting of at least three of the four food groups.
  • Have healthy snacks, consisting of at least two of the four food groups and keep them readily available in your purse, knapsack, car and briefcase.
  • Never get hungry. It's too late if you are. You'll end up binging on the wrong foods and overeating.
  • Dinner should consist of lean protein, grains and as many vegetables as you can eat.
  • Enjoy dessert in small portions.
  • Don't cut out any of the food groups.