THESSALONIKI, Greece - Farmers protesting the low prices they get for their potatoes handed over 12 tons to an eager public in this northern Greek town.

Farmers from the province of Central Macedonia were doling out 6-kilogram potato bags to members of the public in the centre of the town, outside a farming exhibition. They said they were protesting middlemen who force them to sell their produce at very low prices.

"It costs us 20 cents per kilo to produce and (the wholesalers) offer us 10 to 11 cents, said Nikos Stephanidis," an official with the farmers' association. "It's better to hand them out to the people than to the merchants. People are getting hungry these days," he said, referring to the deepening financial crisis.

Farmers had brought 2,000 6-kilo bags to hand out, and they were gone in less than an hour. The farmers had to stay vigilant to ensure that no one got more than one bag and, in some instances, had to push back people eager for a second helping.