Charlie Sheen has passed two drugs tests since beginning rehab at home, according to reports.

The actor -- who was recently hospitalised with an apparent hernia after going on a 36-hour alcohol and cocaine binge -- is undergoing treatment at his house in Los Angeles with a team of professionals he personally assembled and, although friends have begged him to check in to a professional facility for help, his unusual method appears to be working.

According to website, the actor - who passed a test last week and another one yesterday -- reportedly told pals he "feels great," and is "itching to get back to work as soon as possible".

The tests have been passed on to Charlie's employers at Warner Brothers so they can decide when to resume filming of 'Two and a Half Men'.

Last week, the 45-year-old actor offered to contribute to the salaries of the crew on his sitcom after production was halted while he deals with his personal issues.

He is said to have offered to step in and personally pay a third of each crew member's salary for the time the production is being halted - but only if U.S. network CBS and creators Warner Bros give the staff the rest of their wages.