CALGARY - A doctor who treated a starved diabetic boy 13 years before his death thought that the child's mother should undergo a psychiatric assessment.

Vancouver pediatrician Paul Korn returned to the witness stand for cross-examination at the first-degree murder trial of Emil and Rodica Radita in the death of their 15-year-old son.

Alexandru Radita weighed 37 pounds when he died in 2013 from starvation and complications of untreated diabetes.

After Alexandru was admitted to hospital, Korn said the mother's odd behaviour in refusing to accept a diabetes diagnosis and about providing treatment made him think a psychiatric assessment would be a good idea.

He also suggested a parental capacity assessment for the Raditas, although Korn did say he didn't believe the mother's behaviour was intentional or malicious.

The boy was put into foster care after he was discharged from hospital.