CALGARY -- A prominent lawyer says she made a mistake when she leaked damaging information about a former television journalist running for office and that she was "physically ill" when she saw the resulting news article.

"I was dreadfully embarrassed I allowed myself to participate in it," said Kristine Robidoux, who was asked in court Wednesday why she shared information and private emails about candidate Arthur Kent with columnist Don Martin.

"That's a question I've asked myself every day for eight years."

Kent, 61, alleges Postmedia, the National Post and Martin defamed him when he was campaigning to win the constituency of Calgary Currie for the Progressive Conservatives in the 2008 Alberta election.

He lost the vote and filed a lawsuit that has taken seven years to get to trial.

Postmedia denies the accusations and argues it was practising responsible journalism. Lawyer Scott Watson used his opening statement to emphasize the media's role in informing voters about candidates' policies and actions.

Martin's piece ran under the headline "Alberta's 'Scud Stud' a 'Dud' on Campaign Trail." Kent was known as the "Scud Stud" from his days reporting on the Gulf War for NBC.

Robidoux, who worked on Kent's campaign, was suspended for four months by the Law Society of Alberta in May 2014 for disclosing confidential information about him.

She testified Wednesday that Martin told her he heard Kent's campaign was "imploding" and that the party and then-leader Ed Stelmach were losing control of their candidates.

She said she shared private emails with Martin, which included complaints between the Tory campaign chairman and party brass expressing concerns about Kent not abiding by the rules.

Robidoux said she co-operated with Martin because she feared he would write a negative story about the party and Stelmach. She said she believed her comments were off the record. She was not named in the article.

The column painted a picture of the Kent campaign in disarray. It said Kent was not co-operating with the party and that a number of key campaign members were threatening to quit. Martin wrote that unnamed senior campaign strategists had never seen a candidate "so self-absorbed he has mocked the party for failing to treat him with the desired level of reverence."

"I was shocked," Robidoux said about her reaction. "I was physically ill over it. I was appalled.

"It was extremely negative. It seemed a little mean. The worst thing was having to acknowledge my role. I just felt awful."

It was a major blow behind the scenes to Kent's campaign, testified volunteer Bart Nicholls.

"After the article, several volunteers quit and I would say the reason for it was this article and it became more difficult to recruit," he testified.

Robidoux told the court that she was approached by Martin in July 2009 and informed he was not going to be able to keep her identity a secret because Kent had launched a defamation case.

She said she meet with Martin and his lawyers and was asked to consent to having her identity released.

"I felt I had no choice. I was persuaded it would be better in the long run," she said. "I was told the lawsuit of defamation would not survive if it was grounded in truth."

Robidoux's husband, Sean Fairhurst, testified he was with his wife later when she chatted with Postmedia lawyer Watson at a social event.

Fairhurst said his wife asked if there was a chance of the lawsuit being settled and Watson replied it would be a lengthy litigation.

"There was reference to Mr. Kent being somewhat crazy," Fairhurst said, adding Watson suggested Kent would eventually "sabotage his own case."

But under cross examination Fairhurst said there was no legal strategy mentioned during that discussion.