WINNIPEG -- The Manitoba government is planning tougher penalties for people who drive while using a hand-held cellphone or other device.

A bill being presented to the legislature calls for immediate roadside licence suspensions on top of existing fines and demerit points.

A first-time offence would bring a three-day licence suspension, and any subsequent offence would bring a seven-day driving ban.

Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler says distracted driving is a growing problem and people need to get the message that it is dangerous.

Schuler says the bill would also include other penalties, but he won't be able to reveal details until Monday.

Schuler tried to introduce the bill today, but the Opposition New Democrats delayed proceedings by demanding recorded votes on different issues and requiring a one-hour recess each time.

New Democrat legislature member Jim Maloway said his party was using the delay tactics to protest the fact that cabinet ministers have been making statements about new bills in the legislature without giving the Opposition time to read them.