The Calgary Stampede is underway and those planning to celebrate the centenary of the “greatest outdoor show on earth” are in for sun, snacks and sounds and maybe even a celebrity sighting or two.

The 10-day event that celebrates the best of Western culture kicked off on Friday, with the annual Stampede parade. This year’s parade brought in around 350,000 spectators including Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his wife Laureen.

Alberta Premier Alison Redford and Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi took part in the parade festivities. Both politicians participated in the parade itself, riding horses along the route.

Nenshi told CTV Calgary how proud he is of the Stampede. He also said the fun-loving spirit that characterizes the event lies inside every Calgary resident.

“It’s in all of our blood, it’s in all of our bloodstream,” he said. “That first parade had 100,000 people at it in a town that had 60,000 people. A hundred years later, look at this,” he exclaimed gesturing to the crowds of spectators.

Other familiar faces at the Stampede events included Liberal MP Justin Trudeau.

Trudeau was seen at a Liberal party pancake breakfast on Saturday, sporting a cowboy hat and boots. Trudeau took time to chat and mingle with attendees, shaking hands and posing for pictures.

Trudeau told reporters he wasn’t at the Stampede to campaign, but was just doing what he usually does at public events.

"If you guys had been to see me at any other Stampede breakfasts over the years I do the exact same thing because for me someone who chooses to be a Liberal in Calgary isn't doing it because it makes them popular," Trudeau said with a chuckle.

The Montreal MP and eldest son of former prime minister Pierre Trudeau would not say whether he will run for the Liberal leadership next year, but he did tell reporters that running for the position is very much on his mind.

Trudeau said he will decide by the end of the summer whether or not he will run for the top Liberal spot.

Besides mingling with notable politicians, Stampede-goers will also get the opportunity to take in a number of different events, including horse shows, rodeos, acrobatic performances and sheep shearing competitions.

For music-lovers, there will be a number of top musical acts performing during the 10-day affair, such as The Sheepdogs, K’naan, Carly Rae Jepsen, The Beach Boys and Garth Brooks.

And then of course there is the legendary Stampede fare.

This year, food vendors will be offering up a colourful and tasty selection of snacks including deep fried pickle chips, jalepeno corndogs, taco pizza, red velvet cupcakes and deep fried wagon wheels.

The Calgary Stampede runs until July 15, 2012. For more information on events check the Stampede website.