ANCHORAGE, Alaska - The former fiance of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter says he hopes they can reconcile at some point.

Levi Johnston told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Monday that he and 18-year-old Bristol Palin ended their engagement after deciding it would be better if they separated for a while.

The two are the parents of an infant son, Tripp, born on Dec. 27. Johnston says the couple needed time to grow up before following through on marriage plans.

Says 19-year-old Johnston, "I'd like to get back together with her. I don't know what she's thinking."

Asked if they are civil when chatting, he says, "Yeah. For the most part."

As for the future, he adds, "Whatever happens, happens."

Sarah Palin announced her daughter's pregnancy days after being picked by John McCain to be his Republican vice presidential running mate.

Johnston says he sees his son "whenever I want to."