Charlottetown police say the body divers pulled out of the water Wednesday afternoon is that of missing Ottawa man Trevor Rankin.

Rankin was visiting Prince Edward Island for the holidays to visit family and was last seen getting dropped off by a taxi at about 2:30 a.m. Christmas Eve after spending time at a local bar.

Det. Sgt Brad MacConnell said police pulled the body out of the water at about 2:45 p.m. local time.

Rankin, a federal civil servant, was found "submerged in water, several metres behind the Harbourside Apartments and adjacent to the Charlottetown Yacht Club," police said in a news release.

Police will continue to investigate the cause of death, but foul play is not suspected.

Daniel Rankin told CTV's Canada AM that he last spoke with his brother on the evening of Dec. 23.

"He seemed fine, this is totally out of character for Trevor," Rankin said during a telephone interview from Charlottetown.

Trevor Rankin left a brief voicemail for his girlfriend on the night he was last seen, but there has been no further contact from him.

When Rankin failed to surface on Friday morning, the family began to get worried.

By Friday afternoon, his family filed a police report when they realized something was wrong.

Police had searched the Charlottetown shoreline and harbour areas, but found no trace of Rankin's whereabouts. They had also searched the downtown area.