VENICE, Italy - Bill Murray says he was just dropping people off after a party when he was stopped in downtown Stockholm driving a golf cart.

The police "asked me to come over and they assumed that I was drunk and I explained to them that I was a golfer," Murray told reporters Monday at the Venice Film Festival, where he appeared before the premiere of his new film "The Darjeeling Limited," which also stars Adrien Brody, Jason Schwartzman and Owen Wilson.

The star of 1980's "Caddyshack" said he was in Stockholm last month to play in a pro-am golf tournament, and hitched a ride to a post-event party in a golf cart. When no one wanted to drive home, he volunteered.

"I ended up stopping and dropping people off on the way like a bus. I had about six people in the thing and I dropped them off one at a time.

He said police called him over as he was dropping the last couple off at a 7-Eleven, adding "I didn't know they had 7-Elevens in Stockholm."

Swedish police took a blood test after the actor refused a breath test. He could face drunken driving charges.

It's not illegal to drive a golf cart through downtown Stockholm, just unsual.