VANCOUVER - A gourmet Vancouver hotdog infused with century-old cognac now has a Guinness to go along with it -- a Guinness world record.

The foremost authority on record-breaking achievement has officially declared the Dragon Dog, created by DougieDog Hot Dogs in downtown Vancouver, as the most expensive hotdog on the planet.

With a $100 price tag, the footlong Dragon Dog leaves its nearest challenger, the $69 Haute Dog from Serendipity in New York, simmering in the pot.

DougieDog owner and Dragon Dog designer dougie luv says the restaurant received the official world record notification and certificate last week.

He says weaselling the wiener award away from New York makes him feel like Vancouver just won the Stanley Cup, although Canucks fans may have to settle for hoisting a Dragon Dog, and not the Cup, if their team can't pull out of its winless skid in the opening round of the playoffs.

On the plus side, the Dragon Dog costs about half as much as a playoff seat at Rogers Arena and luv says the hedonistic hotdog, topped with Kobe beef seared in olive and truffle oil, fresh lobster and a secret picante sauce, is great for sharing and the perfect way to impress a date.