LOS ANGELES - "The Avengers" continues to muscle out everything else Hollywood throws at it, easily sinking naval rival "Battleship" and other new releases.

With $55.1 million domestically, Disney's superhero sensation remained No. 1 for a third-straight weekend and took in more than the three big newcomers combined.

"The Avengers" is approaching the $1.2 billion mark worldwide.

Universal's "Battleship" opened at No. 2 with $25.4 million domestically, adding to the $226.8 million the board-game adaptation has earned overseas since launching in April.

Sacha Baron Cohen's comedy "The Dictator" debuted in third-place with $17.4 million for the weekend. Since opening Wednesday, the Paramount release has taken in $24.5 million.

Lionsgate's pregnancy comedy "What to Expect When You're Expecting," featuring Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez, premiered at No. 5 with $10.5 million.