Spotify has announced the official roll-out of a more driver-friendly Now Playing view on Android.

On Thursday, a Spotify feature that has been unofficially available to various users since December officially began rolling out to all Android users, benefitting especially those who listen to tunes or podcasts in the car.

Over the upcoming week, users will be finding that, when connected to their car's Bluetooth, the Spotify application Now Playing screen will swap its conventional display for Car View. The interface was redesigned with fewer distractions in mind: track titles and control buttons have been dramatically enlarged and album art is no longer visible.

Unfortunately, this simplified view also omits some application functionality leaving drivers only with the options to play/pause and skip, shuffle, and favorite tracks.

If you have passengers in the vehicle to be your DJ or you're simply not a fan of Car View, Spotify explains that you can opt out of the interface by just tapping the three dots menu, at least, "until you next connect to a car." Otherwise, Car View can be permanently disabled within the Spotify app's settings.

As of this week, the feature is only rolling out to Android users. An iOS version of Car View is in the works.