ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski conceded her Senate primary race Tuesday to a political newcomer backed by former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Murkowski made the concession speech Tuesday night, a full week after the primary.

Murkowski trailed Joe Miller, an attorney, by 1,668 votes after last week's primary. Election officials began counting absentee and outstanding ballots Tuesday. Murkowski made slight gains but was never able to get Miller's lead below 1,200 votes.

She said she informed Miller shortly before making the announcement on live television.

Miller did not immediately return messages from The Associated Press.

"We all know that this has been a long week, a terribly long week," she said at campaign headquarters.

She said that while there were outstanding votes, "I don't see a scenario where the primary will turn out in my favour, and that is a reality that is before me at this point in time."

Miller has never held elected office but enjoyed the backing of Palin and the ultraconservative anti-tax Tea Party Express movement.

Murkowski had hoped to avoid the fate that has befallen other incumbents nationwide as they were swept out of office in 2010 amid an anti-incumbent fervour.

She said she was proud of the campaign she ran, which she called "honest" and "upright." She said the campaign stayed focused on the issues and the "high road."

Previously, she had criticized Miller for running an unfair fight.

During a speech in which her voice wavered at times, she said confidently voice that once she completes her term, "I'm coming back home."