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opinion Financial survival tips for the sandwich generation

The so-called 'sandwich generation' finds itself in a unique and challenging position as its members balance providing financial support for both aging parents and children, all while managing their own financial goals.

From Tom Mulcair


opinion Tom Mulcair: Is Justin Trudeau just playing out the clock?

Former NDP leader Tom Mulcair says Canada is facing critical issues that need an active, engaged federal government right now; but Prime Minister Trudeau seems to be running out the clock before the next election.


opinion Tom Mulcair: What's Justin Trudeau's track record on Quebec separatism?

With the threat of Quebec separatism rearing its head with the PQ on the rise and its leader promising a referendum on Quebec sovereignty if he's elected, commentators have been fretting about the possibility of a third referendum. Former NDP leader Tom Mulcair says it's not going to happen. Here's why.


opinion Tom Mulcair: Which party leader will have the best end-of-summer report?

'How I spent my summer vacation' is a classic that's often the first composition asked of students when they return to class in the fall. In his latest column for, former NDP leader Tom Mulcair explores what the essays of the various federal party leaders might look like at the end of this summer's break.