Recreational vehicle users haven't enjoyed the coolest of reputations.

Oftentimes they're depicted as provincial suburbanites in plastic, fluorescent visors and Hawaiian T-shirts -- or worse. Think trailer parks and "Trailer Park Boys." But according to the findings of a new report on camping trends in North America, RV use among Canadian campers increased from 22 to 28 per cent between 2016 and 2017.

And while tents remain the most popular method of camping, it dropped from 60 per cent in 2016 to 54 per cent in 2017.

Though not all RV users are owners, the report found that Western Canada has the highest rate of ownership in North America at 68 per cent, followed by Eastern Canadian RVers (60 per cent).

The 2018 North American Camping Report estimates that more than 9.1 million households in Canada are "camping households." That includes a member of the household who camps at least occasionally.

Last year, it's estimated that about half a million new Canadian households also experienced their first camping trip.

The report, which is supported by Kampgrounds of America, Inc, is based on a survey of 2,903 households in the U.S. and Canada.

Overall, since 2014, more than 6 million new North American households have experienced the great outdoors for the first time.

Likewise, the number of campers who camp three times a year or more has increased 64 per cent.