Cardio vs. Weights - which is better?

This can be one of the most controversial questions asked in any gym which everyone having a unique and strong opinion. And the definitive depends!

The balance of time you spend on strength and cardio activity will vary based on you goals as well as many other variables that factor in to the total equation.

Considerations in determining the balance of cardio and strength with your fitness program:

  • Goals - your personal goals
  • Time - what fits with you schedule
  • Resources - equipments, facilities and support
  • Energy - where you're starting from
  • Age - strength becomes increasingly important as we age
  • Injuries - what you're starting with and what you're vulnerable to
  • Preferences - what YOU find motivating, activity you will do regularly
  • Although there can be an ideal type of program based on your fitness level the very practical point to remember is that you are more likely to stick with a program or activity you enjoy!

Cardio vs. Strength, start with your goals: Here's a general overview of some of the main goals that people have heading into their fitness program.

To lose fat...

  • Cardio - immediately, you will burn more calories with cardio (approximately 10-12 cal/min compared to 8-10 cal/min with weight training)
  • Strength - when strength training, you continue to burn calories after your workout as your muscles recover (longer with more intense workouts); in addition, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn 24 hours a day (if you add 3 lbs of muscle, you will end up burning 120 cal/day just being)

And the winner is: Strength

To reduce stress...

  • Cardio - research shows that as little as 15 minutes of aerobic activity done 3 times a week will significantly reduce stress by increasing the release of serotonin
  • Strength - although research shows promising results, more is needed to identify the specific parameters with stress and strength training such as time and intensity

And the winner is: Cardio (for now)

To feel good naked...

  • Cardio - studies show that athletes have a strong sense of accomplishment every time they cross the finish line, regardless of where they place
  • Strength - studies show that not only do you feel better after lifting weights because your muscles are pumped up with additional blood flow, but that there is also a great sense of accomplishment from increasing strength and weight lifted

And the winner is...strength

To avoid injury...

  • Cardio - because most cardio activity is repetitive in movement, doing a lot of the same cardio activity can actually increase your risk of injury to muscles, ligaments, joints and tendons
  • Strength - strength training - and particularly balance and functional training - increases stability and reduces your risk of injury

And the winner is...strength

To add years to your life...

  • Cardio - extensive research has shown that aerobic activity reduces risk of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, stroke and even some types of cancer
  • Strength - strength training has been shown to decrease abdominal obesity which increases risk of many chronic health issues, however, not as much research has been done in this area as with cardio activity

And the winner is...cardio

To make it to the finish line faster...

  • Cardio - practicing performance of a sport or activity can help you to improve your stride, gait and cadence
  • Strength - strength training along with plyometrics increases your muscle strength and power which ends up improving speed

And the winner's a draw!