Time.com has issued a correction after ranking Evelyn Waugh #97 on its list of the 100 Most Read Female Authors on Campus.

“Correction: The original version of this story included Evelyn Waugh, who was a man,” wrote the venerable magazine Thursday.

The error caused quite a stir on Twitter.

Some pointed out their surprise that the magazine had erred about Waugh after it correctly identified George Eliot as a female. George Eliot was the pseudonym of Mary Ann Cross, a Victorian novelist whose publisher opted to use a man’s name instead.

Some took the error as an opportunity to make social commentary about diversity in literature.

Most strangely perhaps, more than one Twitter user saw Waugh’s name “trending” and simply assumed “she” was dead. In fact, Waugh, the male novelist, died in 1966.

Time’s ranking, based on 1.1 million university syllabi from across the English-speaking world, shows that Jane Austen, Virginia Wolf, Susan Sontag and former First Lady Barbara Bush are among the most commonly assigned writers.