TORONTO -- The name of the wedged container ship that finally became unstuck from the Suez Canal Monday has been the source of confusion for many.
News outlets, including, have been calling the ship the "Ever Given." Yet, the name "Evergreen" is painted on the side of the ship in large capital letters, prompting some to ask, "What's the actual name of the ship?"
Ever Given is the official name for the ship, but the ship is operated by a Taiwanese company called Evergreen Marine.
Many of the ships operated by Evergreen have names that start with the name "Ever," such as Ever Goods, Ever Glory and Ever Gentle.
The name "Ever Given" is indeed written on the bow and the back of the ship, albeit in smaller letters.
Although operated by Evergreen, the owner of the ship is a Japanese company called Shoei Kisen Kaisha. The ship is also registered in Panama.
Since last Tuesday, the 220,000-ton vessel captivated global attention as it put a halt to 10 per cent of global trade. The blockage forced many ships to take a detour around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa.
The ship was finally freed Monday after excavators worked for days, vacuuming up sand and mud, while 10 tugboats pushed and pulled.
It is unclear if the Ever Given will continue onto its original destination at the port of Rotterdam.