She's not just there to wear the taffeta dress and walk down the aisle.
As a professional bridesmaid, Jen Glantz has played the role of "bodyguard," protecting a bride from an angry, former maid-of-honour, she's offered up her bra when an emergency struck and she's counselled couples who were having second thoughts on the morning of the big day.
"Simply put, I'm your on-call therapist, peacekeeperand social director for the whole wedding experience," Glantz told CTV's Canada AM on Tuesday.
Glantz launched "Bridesmaid For Hire" about a year-and-a-half ago, and said business has been booming ever since.
Since starting her business, Glantz has worked with more than 40 brides and has received about 6,000 applications from other women looking to become professional bridesmaids.
Prior to becoming a professional bridesmaid herself, Glantz was no stranger to the wedding scene. The year she launched her business she was a bridesmaid four times and in 2013 her book, "All My Friends Are Engaged" was published.
While Bridesmaid For Hire started as a one-woman operation, Glantz has since hired a handful of employees to help manage the demand.
She offers four packages for brides-to-be looking for some assistance, which range in price from $300 to $1,000.
Glantz said there are a few key qualities she looks for in a professional bridesmaid.
"You need to do really well in stressful situations, but also be able to work with, and handlelots of personalities."