Why Stephen Hawking never received a Nobel Prize, how a new study is exposing the emotional impact of residential schools across generations, and how much money the legal fight over a licence plate is costing taxpayers.

1. Why Hawking never won a Nobel Prize

In the wake of renowned scientist Stephen Hawking’s death this week at the age of 76, many were surprised to learn that he never won a Nobel Prize -- despite being one of the most brilliant scientific minds in the world.

2. Residential school survivors show poorer health

It doesn’t matter whether a First Nations person attended a residential school or is descended from someone who did -- both are likely to experience negative consequences to their health and well-being, according to a new study. The new research by the First Nations Information Governance Centre puts some new numbers to the inherited trauma of Canada’s residential school system.

3. “GRABHER” licence plate fight

The costly battle to keep a Nova Scotia man’s last name off a licence plate is already impacting taxpayers, even before the case has gone to court.