OTTAWA - Statistics Canada says people over 65 use the Internet more than they did a decade ago, but there's still a wide generation gap when it comes to videos and music.

The agency says 60 per cent of seniors aged 65 to 74 and 29 per cent of those aged 75 and over had used the Internet in the month prior to the survey in 2010, while Internet use by the 15-25 age group was almost universal.

A decade earlier, Internet use at home was less than 10 per cent for people over 65.

But while 87 per cent of young people listened to downloaded music at least once a week in 2010, only 10 per cent of those aged 65 to 74 did so.

The seniors reported they were still listening to music, but used traditional formats such as CDs instead of the Internet.

There was a similar gap when it came to Internet movies or video, with nearly 80 per cent of young people watching, compared with 10 per cent of seniors.