OTTAWA - Norwegian history buffs are trying one more time to lift a ship that once carried legendary northern explorer Roald Amundsen from her cold berth in the Canadian Arctic.

They want to bring the fabled ship Maud back to the waters of Norway from where she first set sail.

A representative from the group wanting to move the ship from Nunavut is in Ottawa this week to appeal a decision not to grant an export permit for the historic vessel.

Canada refused in December to grant the permit, saying the site would have to be analyzed further before the ship could be moved.

Norwegian Jan (YAWN) Wanggarrd (VOHN'-gard) says his group is willing to do more study.

But he says the kind of study Canada wants would take years and produce little new information.

Meanwhile, the Maud, which has been mouldering in the icy waters off the shore of Cambridge Bay since 1931, continues to deteriorate.

The ship was built in Norway and is owned by Norwegians.

Amundsen's two other ships are both historic sites in his home country.