There's a small, but growing movement in Canada giving mothers a safe place to abandon their babies, no questions asked.

1. Help for mothers: A small movement across Canada is working to ensure that abandoned babies survive, and mothers don't face criminal charges for their choice.

2. War? Experts are casting doubts on North Korea's ability to attack U.S. bombers or fighter jets, despite the country's top diplomat claiming that it would take steps to fend off American planes.

3. Caffeinated drinks: The Canadian Paediatric Society says children should avoid caffeinated energy drinks and sports drinks, due to health risks.

4. Fluoride again: A group of Calgarians supported by dentists are asking city councillors to add fluoride to the public water supply again, to avoid severe tooth decay in children.

5. Great chemistry: China's richest man says he has "great chemistry" with Canada's "business friendly" Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.